Israeli President Shimon Peres, the Vatican’s Agent to Israel: Part Two
Life was quiet in the Middle East as Israel in 2006 as the rest of the world was adjusting to the new political player in the Middle East political-religious wars against Israel; the arrival of the Palestinian Chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood called Hamas. They had recently won the Palestinian Parliamentarian elections in Gaza in January, 2006 and then went on to defeat the Fatah in a series of violent clashes. Since that day, the Hamas, have become the new political masters of the fate of the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza; the former Philistine states that were the ancient nemesis of the Israelites from the era of Sampson, the Israelite judge, to the era of Kings Saul and David.
With Pope Benedict XVI now nestled in the throne of the papacy at the Vatican, the Catholic Cultural News made the announcement on March of 2006 that Shimon Peres, now the head of Israel’s opposition Labor Party was preparing to go for another visit to the Vatican. This time he was to preparing to meet in a private audience with Pope Benedict XVI on April 6. Included in this trip, Tzipi Livni, the Israeli minister of foreign affairs traveled also with former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, to meet with Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States.
Demonstrating quite aptly the political vacillation of many Israeli politicians, both Simon Peres, former Nobel Peace Prize laureate that was bought with a bribe, and the once leftist Labor Party leader, Tzipi Livni, who now had switched political parties and ideologies with the rightist Likud party, and switched parties again with the new centrist Kadima movement behind Ariel Sharon, was now heading to Rome also demonstrated that they were also “Meshumad” (apostate) Jews.
Understand, it was the Peres and Livni leadership who brought Israel’s worst international and diplomatic disaster when in 2005, they forced the expulsion and evacuation of the Orthodox Jews settlers living in the Gaza region of Gush Katif, demolished their homes, synagogue and the world renowned fruit, vegetable and flowers nurseries. They then gave all of these properties as a peace gesture with the monies of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates to the Palestinian people.
Then they witnessed the ingratitude and destruction of the remaining infrastructures by the Islamic Muslims while they governed over the Jewish State of Israel that willing placed the Jewish pioneering families who were predominately Orthodox Jewish in antiquated trailers, and treated them as orphans, hostages and outcasts in the Jewish state of Israel for the next seven years. 
Yet, when they traveled to Rome the next year in early 2006, Peres and Livni now carried with themselves the visionary idea of “elevating” the city of Jerusalem to become the “World Capital” by declaring the sacred sites of the Jews, Christians, and Muslim within the Old City of Jerusalem to be internationalized under the United Nations stewardship. To do so, the U.N. Secretary-General would serve as the mayor of the Jerusalem, the “International Capital of the World.” It was only a few months later that their lives would be radically changed.
Unknown to them, the G-d of Israel in His sovereign power as the ruler of the universe, was ready to unleash another reign of terror upon the State of Israel and upon her rulers who were so adamant to give away the land of Israel to those who despise the Jews, the only children of Israel who have chosen to remain in covenant with the Torah, and the Holy One of Israel.
This modern day reign of terror against the Jews of the House of Judah was only an aftermath of the Civil War that erupted between the Northern 10 Tribes and the Southern 2 Tribes. The sovereign power of the G-d of Israel separated the two kingdoms of the House of Israel and the House of Judah; 3,000 years ago.
This reign of terror was aptly described by the ancient Prophet of Judah, the Prophet Zechariah when he wrote these words about Children of Israel molded together into a United Kingdom under Kings David and Solomon.
The brotherhood between the Jews of the House of Judah and the Northern Israelites of the House of Israel was split asunder with civil war and the eventual destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel as they were sent into exile to Khurasan in Media. The Southern Two Tribes of Judah and Benjamin eventually apostatized also and were exiled first to servitude under Babylon and Persia and eventually for the second time exiled to Rome. The Roman Empire later morphed into Constantine’s Roman Christian Empire in the 4th century, the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne in the 9th century and throughout the Medieval Era the lives of those that opposed her rule were ruthlessly cast aside and destroyed. So what does the G-d of Israel say about these “evil shepherds”?
Zechariah 11:4-7 – “Thus said HaShem, My G-d: Tend the flock meant to be slain, whom their buyers slay and they are not guilty and those who sell them say, ‘Blessed by HaShem! Now I am rich!’ and whose shepherds do not pity them.
For I will no longer pity the inhabitants of the land – the word of HaShem, Behold, I am giving over the people, each one into the hand of his fellow and into the hand of his king; then will crush the land (exile of the Northern Kingdom of Israel), and I will not save [them] from their hand. I had tended the flock meant to be slain, and because they were the meekest of the flock.
I took for myself two staffs – one I called “Noam” [“Pleasantness as the Northern Kingdom of Israel where Rehoboam ruled with pleasant words to lure the later Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to live under his rulership] and the other I called “Hobeim” [“Destroyers as the Kingdom of Judah” whose first king Rehoboam ruled with the iron hand of destruction] and I tended the flock.”
Yet, these verses also speak of that future day of redemption and restoration when at the end of days when Jewish “flock of sheep” will be separated from their brothers, the “sheep of the House of Israel. Without the mutual togetherness of spiritual brotherhood, with the Jewish sages, prophets and kings, their leaders eventually led their kingdoms into apostasy, the worship of Baal and eventual exile; the House of Israel now for 3,700 years as the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and the House of Judah with a 70 year exile into Babylon and the Roman Empire now for almost 2,000 years. With the destruction of the United Kingdom of Israel, the power and might of Kings David and Solomon’s Empire was destroyed for the G-d of Israel found their actions to be repulsive:
Zechariah 11:8-11, 13-14 - “I removed the three shepherds in one month, and My soul became impatient with them for their [neshama yehudi (Jewish)] soul, or their [neshama Israeli (Lost Israelite)] soul also found Me repulsive. I said, ‘I will not tend you! Let the dying ones die and let the decimated one be decimated; and for the remaining ones, let each devour the other’s flesh.
And I took My staff Noam (Lost Israelites) and broke it, to annul My covenant that I had sealed with the people. So it became annulled on that day; and the meek of the flock, all who paid heed to Me, recognized that it was so, that it was the word of HaShem…Then I broke My second staff, Hobelim (Exiled Jews) to annul the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.”
The picture is plain to see, a United Israel is invincible with the power of the Divine guiding the way; a divided Israel becomes the footstool of the nations. So today, the acrimony between the Jews and the Christians, most of whom were the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel is still divisive and acrimonious. Yet, the days of reunification are about upon us when the Brotherhood of the sons of Yaakov (Jacob) is restored.
The modern sages of Judah foresee that the end of this chapter in Zechariah speaks about the “end of the age”. Even though the “Evil Shepherd” could have represented the evil and harsh rule of King Herod during the 1st century CE Temple of Herod era two thousand years ago, this “evil shepherd” can also represent today an era when the Jews in Israel will be again under the rule of another “evil Shepherd”. Who then was this “Evil Shepherd”?
Zechariah 11:15-17 – “Again take yourself the implement[s] of afoolish shepherd. For behold, I am setting up a shepherd in the land: He will not pay attention the decimated ones; he will not seek out the youth; he will not heal the broken one; and he will not nurture the weak one; but he will eat the flesh of the healthy one and break their hooves. Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! A sword upon his arm and upon his right eye! May his arm utterly wither and his right eye go completely blind!”
BibleSearchers Reflections – “And it was only a few weeks after the expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif that the days of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon were over. As Israeli investigator Barry Chamish gives in his account:
Barry Chamish (December 19, 2005 – “Prime Minister Sharon shares drinks with Shimon Peres in the Knesset. Within half an hour, Sharon is driven to hospital unconscious. It took him a day before he could even spell his own name. He was brought into the hospital by his bodyguard, Yoram Rubin. As a good chunk of Israel knows today, it was the Peres-Rubin team that murdered Yitzhak Rabin. When Rubin was shown on television news accompanying Sharon's stretcher, suspicions spread throughout the country.
For two days, Sharon remained in hospital where he underwent intensive tests. We may ask, how did they miss the blood clot that struck Sharon barely two weeks later? The timing of Sharon's latest stroke is uncanny. It occurred one day after he was implicated in an enormous scandal.”
Whereas in the public press, Sharon and Perez appear as two opposing political giants in the Israeli political spectrum, insiders assure us that they are close friends and see the political landscape of Israel’s future through the same telescope. So this reality became even more apparent when Ariel Sharon made a sudden left turn politically and vacated the party of his founding, the Likud Party.
Then Sharon founded a new “centrist” party called the Katima Party. At the height of what appeared to become a new majority party, then along comes Sharon’s “tag-along colleague”, Shimon Peres, the media favorite. To Ben-Lieb, this new party is only a “new organ for the mixed multitude of Sinai’s insincere converts”, the Erev Rav, the final prophetic portrayal of the “mixed multitude” that came with the Israelis during the Exodus out of Egypt.
Surrounding the vascular attack upon Ariel Sharon was the new evidence that linked Sharon to a $3 Million Bribe from Martin Schlaff, a known Sharon friend and Austrian-Jewish businessman who had significant investments in Israel which included a Jericho casino that he needed political help in getting reopened.
Known as the “Cyril Kern Affair,” the pipeline for the illegal campaign-personal loan came from Sharon’s South African business associate, Cyril Kern. According to the national media, the parents of Martin Schlaff lived in Israel yet due to the potential for arrest or detainment for investigation, Martin Schlaff did not return to the Land of Israel. Then on December 21, 2005, James Schlaff, the brother to Martin came to visit.
The Israeli police raided Schlaff’s home and confiscated what was later revealed on January 3, 2006 to Channel 10 news reporter, Baruch Kra, as documents and two laptop computers. Seeking a court order, the police were able to supposedly extricate the suspected “implicating” information of a bribe that was passed on to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon or his sons. Within twenty four hours, the media was alive with what appeared to be a “career-ending scandal” when a life-threatening blood clot to Sharon’s brain sent him to the hospital. According to Israeli Journalist Barry Chamish;
Barry Chamish – “A live Sharon will have to face prosecution for the Kern-Schlaff bribes, even in Israel's thoroughly corrupt legal system. A dead Sharon will not have to face prosecution. And that would be just fine for the creme de la creme of the country's political leadership.
The first impression is that Sharon survived the first attempt on his life. In reaction, James Schlaff immediately flew to Israel with evidence to bring the prime minister down in scandal. Somehow, the police were tipped off and immediately confiscated the evidence. Once the investigation was done, the results were leaked to the media. On the day of the second stroke, the scandal spread fast, threatening to engulf many of the country's political elite in deep corruption. By 11 PM, Sharon was bleeding heavily from the throat and his prognosis was a living or real death.”
The days of Sharon were over, not a noble death of service to his own people, nor a stroke with paralysis of his face and extremities, but for the last seven years in a come as a “living death”.
BibleSearchers Reflections – “Then the days of 1993 came. The Oslo Accord, with the mantra of peace with security swept in like a wave of new hope for the Israeli people. These negotiations were between Peres, Rabin and the PLO. In as much as Peres and Rabin were the “Rav”, the political leaders of the Israeli Jews, they are called the “Erev Rav.” When we connect the dots: the Erev Rav are “minimally Jewish; the Erev Rav are the political leaders of the Jews, then the full circle comes around that the leader of the Erev Rav is a political leader of Israel who is minimally Jewish.
What does it mean to be minimally Jewish? The answer fits the mold of the Sabbatean Jew. He is the one who in his heart despises the God of Israel and the “faithful saints” of the Jewish people who are passionate followers of their God; the Almighty One of Israel. The picture even becomes clearer when we understand that as stated above, the Erev Rav will “break ranks” with the Orthodox Jews who follow with all their hearts the commands of the Torah that the God of Israel gave them. The Erev Rav will drive them from their homes, their land and in turn “form an alliance with Yishmael (Islamic descendants of Ishmael).”
Since the beginning of the secular Labor Zionist State of Israel, the two senior government leaders that have been vitally active during the last forty nine years have been Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres. If we look at the Israeli government, it is called a Jewish government. Yet under the façade and superficial veneer we find that here is a Jewish government that “subscribes to British Law and to Ottoman Law.” As Rabbi Novick pointed out;
Rabbi Nisan Aryeh Novick - “That is why Israel has never developed their own legal system; they’re merely enforcing law that Turkey and England enacted – which, in certain situations, happen to be pro-Arab and anti-Semitic.”
Novick states that the Israeli government over the fifty plus years of existence has created a specific profile as:
Rabbi Nisan Aryeh Novick - “Theirs has been a proxy government run by people who, by accident of birth, are Jewish. They don’t appear to be making decisions that further the advancement of Judaism or that protects the Jews. …They certainly do appear callous and indifferent to the pain suffered by Jews.”
Yet some today are questioning whether these government leaders are in fact Jewish. It was Dov Bar-Lieb who posted this blog on Years of Awe blogsite on January 16, 2006 in an article called “Travail of a Shepherd.” He gives insight into the same fact that Rabbi Novick wrote about nine years ago.
Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb – “Finally, I will have to write some more about the yichus (family tree or family background) question regarding the "Shepherd’. Is he (Ariel Sharon) a Jew or is he an imposter? If it were my choice, I would rather not open this can of worms. I do not enjoy questioning someone’s Jewish identity, but Rashi’s interpretation of the Targum Yonatan is very clear. The rule of the Shepherd is not considered by the Targum to be a Jewish one. For now I refer everyone to several sources.
Rav Berland of Shuvu Banim Breslov Yeshivah in the Old City has emphatically come out and said that Sharon’s mother did not have a true conversion. His father was definitely a Jew, but his mother has a big question mark hanging over her head. According to Sha’ah Tova’s pre-Pesach 5765 edition, Sharon’s mom could not receive a teudat Zehut (identity card) under the Law of Return because the Chief Rabbinate in 1948 refused to certify the validity of her conversion. The proof is in the pudding.
In the above linked biography of the Shepherd’s life, it clearly states in the synopsis that he and his parents were ostracized by the community in which he was born, K’far Melal. (Note: Menudehmeans ostracized.) The vast majority of Jewish communities in the world do not, as a whole, ostracize a fellow Jew for no good reason. Given that his parents did not do something horrible in a moral sense, there can be only one reason for K'far Melal's residents' distancing of themselves from the Scheinermann (now the Sharon) family.
As unpleasant as it is, if Sharon is indeed the Shepherd, the Targum Yonatan is right again. The "Shepherd" is not a Jew. I am sure that this last sentence will create a lot of debate, but since the words of Chazal are at stake here, I am sticking by what Rav Berland has said. At the very least his relationship to the Jewish people as a Jew is in doubt, but there will be no more like him. G-d willing, he was the last true leader of our lowly little state. I pray that we are about to get a rebirth that is from out of this world.”
In the Raya M’hemna, Pinchas, 246b it describes the Israeli populace as being assimilated with Edom (the Western globalist culture) and the leaders have been assimilated much worse. As Novack continues:
Rabbi Nisan Aryeh Novick – “This Government (Shimon Peres between 1994-97) is just not affected when Jews are hurt or murdered by Arabs, because, by their very nature, there is no real connection between them and other Jews. They feel no special affinity for Jews. They are being completely manipulated by Esav (the descendants of Edom or Rome) Yes, certainly, many previous Israeli governments were pressured by Western countries; even Begin, the opposition leader for more than thirty years, succumbed to Western pressure after he assumed leadership. But every previous government had always felt a connection with Jewish history; every previous government identified proudly as Jews even though they were secularists. Each and every previous government, without exception, felt a strong connection to other Jews.”
Over the decades the people in the land have become progressively more in tune with their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At the same time we have seen the leaders of the government departing from their Jewish identity, their Jewish history and their Jewish culture. It was the Rabin government who discontinued the mandated study of Jewish history in Israeli schools.
When (Prime Minister Yitzhak) Rabin addressed the international community with the acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize for the acceptance of the PLO Agreement of Agreement, he spoke of a “Jewish struggle for Israel that was only seventy years old”, totally abrogating the two thousand year struggle of the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem. Soon after that the arriving international diplomats to Israel were no longer taken to the Yad Vashem, and the Holocaust Memorial. Soon the visiting dignitaries to Israel were no longer taken on tours to Masada, that historical landmark that identified the Jewish struggle to keep the Land of Israel 1900 years ago from the ancestors of Esau; the current European world called Edom, the descendants of the ancient Empire of Rome and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel under Vatican Rome’s control.
Since the days after the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Jewish governments have taken on the appearance of being proxy or extension governments of the “American government in the Middle East.” This is possibly why the Muslim now identifies the two as the “Great Satan” and the “Little Satan.” The American government naturally is and should be indifferent or not affected by Israeli politics because the purpose of the government of the United States is for its own national interest; to govern and legislate laws for the benefit of Americans. As Novick stated:
Rabbi Nisan Aryeh Novick – “To those Israeli politicians, Jews of Israel are not any more special than any other citizen of the country. That Israeli government had no special connection to the people or to the Land. Never before in the history of modern Israel have captured Jewish soldiers been allowed to languish in Arab captivity for so many years – that Israeli government did not even attempt to negotiate for their release (while thousands of Arab criminals and murderers were being released from Israeli prisons unconditionally)….But that Israeli Government was just plainly indifferent to the plight of Jews – all Jews. And that is why they can offer to parcel off Jewish real estate to Arabs…As a matter of fact, the decisions of that Government are exactly the decisions we would expect the American government to make, if America were actually ruling Israel today from afar.”
This was the date of remembrance when the Northern Gates of Jerusalem were breached by the Roman forces Vespasian. This war lasted until the 9th of Av, in 69-70 CE, the date when Jerusalem was burning with her Holy Temple, the Temple of King Herod in a fiery inferno. It was the 9th of Av, 2006 when the Vatican sponsored Vatican Peace Conference imposed upon the State of Israel the world mandate to imbed the Vatican’s NATO warriors at the Northern Gates of Israel in Lebanon called “Peace Keepers”. This was called the Vatican Peace Accord of 2006 imposed upon the State of Israel by the “Rome Summit for Peace.”
What is now perceived was the thriving power of the new German Pope inaugurated at the Vatican in 2005; Pope Benedict XVI. BibleSearchers Reflections monitored this event in its entirety as Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican diplomatic forces corralled this military event between Israel and Lebanon by forcing the State of Israel to “stand down” and halt prematurely the Islamic-Hizballah War at the “Northern Walls” of Israel. Eventually a “peace agreement” was made but it also made the warring Shi’ite militia, Hizballah, buttressed by the military backing of Iran, Syria and ultimately Russia now as major warring partners evoking their bid to destroy later the State of Israel with instead 10,000 missiles; fifty thousand more sophisticated and advanced missiles.
The Islamic world was in ecstasy as Israel now appeared to be defenseless or in a virtual stalemate with the “wolves of Islam” that gathered around her. As BibleSearchers opined on this moment in Jewish history, the following brief was written in the article titled, “The Map of the ‘New Middle East’” as the world watched the Vatican marshalling the world leaders together at “The Rome International Conference for Lebanon.
In a sub-titled article titled, “The Rise of the Sea Beast of Revelation 13”, we looked at the influence of the Israeli-Hizballah War as part of the future prophecy of Zechariah 9 and the eventual overthrow of the Vatican as we know it to be by the future Jesuit Shabbatean-Illuminati Sea Beast that the ancient Essene-Orthodox Jewish Nazarene prophecy envisioned would rise at the end of the age before the full revealing of the Maschiah ben David when the messianic age would then begin.
In early August 2006, the Israeli investigator, Barry Chamish penned a brief titled, “The Vatican Victory in Lebanon.” We read of how the western powers would use the concept of “Creative Destruction”, to instigate a war and bring about its conclusion for the ultimate goals of the western global agenda for domination of the Middle East.
Barry Chamish – “My heart breaks as Israel loses the war. But her crooked leaders are doing wonders for the New World Order. Now the Vatican gets in its dibs and a new trade bloc is in formation. While the rockets fly, the US and Kuwait sign a free trade agreement. So also Dubai, Bahrain and Jordan. And did anyone notice that America no longer patrols Afghanistan? NATO has taken the reins. Not ten years ago, PM Shimon Peres was tired of the “Grapes of Wrath” mini-war and put an end to it with an attack on Kana which killed 100 and brought international troops to Lebanon.
The week before, the leaders of the NWO met in Rome under the kind but stern guidance of Condoleezza Rice. They decided to put in Lebanon International Troops...someday. A second Kana bombing, no matter who was responsible, gave Peres another chance to bring back his buddies, the French. Yes, it was decided that French troops would form the majority of the contingent…This whole awful war was designed to get those Vatican soldiers into Israel and given another few weeks of rocket attacks, barring a nuke on Teheran, Israelis will lift their arms and beg for any troops, anywhere, just to get a night's peace. Even in Jerusalem.”
Chamish continues his report referring to a secondary investigation by Jewish researcher Kati Cohen:
Enter the Apostolic Nuncio Pietro Sambi. He plotted with Peres to finish Sharon and possibly supplied the poison Sharon drank in his final meeting with Peres on December 18 (2005).
One thing is certain, 18 hours before, after 8 1/2 years in Jerusalem, Sambi flew out for a new assignment in Washington. "Once Olmert and Peres won the election, Peres flew to the Vatican taking with him a letter from (Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert to the Pope (Benedict XVI). No one will say what was in the letter, but you can be sure he promised the pope 'his land' and the war drastic enough to give it to him."
Catholic News Service – “On the eve of the Rome International Summit for Peace in the Middle East, Pope Benedict XVI said it appeared that perhaps prayers for peace were starting to work. “It seems to me that today something is beginning to move, which shows that prayers are not useless," the pope told reporters in Northern Italy July 25 as he returned to the chalet in Les Combes where he has been vacationing…."I hope they find stable and lasting solutions" to the violence that has ignited in Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories.
While sending official observers to the Rome summit for peace in the Middle East, the Vatican also planned to continue working behind the scenes in pushing for a peaceful solution to ongoing violence in the region, said Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state. The Vatican announced late July 25 that it had been invited to participate in the July 26 summit as an official observer. Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, the Vatican's foreign minister, and two officials from his staff were to represent the Vatican at the meeting…
“The Holy See tries to be 'super partes' (above all parties); it has a universal mission to unite all of humanity,” the Cardinal (Sodano) said…His remarks echoed Pope Benedict's July 21 comments that the Vatican tends to leave diplomatic bargaining to other nations "because we do not get involved in politics even if we do everything for peace." However, the Vatican supports everything that can facilitate and lead to peace, the pope had said. Because modern civilization calls for dialogue, not war, to resolve disputes, every day the Vatican has been contacting foreign diplomats in an effort to foster a peaceful resolution, Cardinal Sodano said.”
As BibleSearchers Reflections summarized this Peace Summit in Rome on August 2006, we read:
BibleSearchers Reflections – “Several observations are important. While the Vatican was officially at the Rome Summit as an observer, it is important to see that their behind the scenes diplomacy makes them more of the “glue” of the summit rather than an observer. The most sobering statement was "The Holy See tries to be 'super partes' (above all parties); it has a universal mission to unite all of humanity."
Are we seeing the Vatican’s real intent? Do they consider that they are the Super-power? Does the Vatican truly see itself as Pope John Paul II envisioned in 1978 that it will become the “Black Internationale” and the ultimate victor of world domination? Does this observation suggest that their vision for peace comes with the proviso that they are in control and not the God of Israel?”
The history of the Roman Catholic Church in its relationship with the Jews has throughout the ages been one of ultimatums and without compliance; death. But, today, the State of Israel is a powerful contender for world respect in her military power and prowess. Yet, it appears that the modus operandi in the relationship between the Vatican hierarchy and the Jews is a direct link between “Peace” between Catholics and Jews, and “The Land” being returned back to the Church. This fact we will see as Dr. Daisy Stern continued to reveal in the Vatican-Jewish relationship outlined in Part One of this series; “Israeli President Shimon Peres, the Vatican’s Agent to Israel” the following:
Dr. Daisy Stern – “This, to my opinion, is the Authentic Land for Peace Agreement that was signed by the Church and the Menuvalim (secular Jews) traitors; We, Am Yisrael, give you the land, you, the Church, leave us in peace. The "other", Oslo Peace agreement, was only a smokescreen for this, much more fundamental agreement, hence the name. What you would call coded language.
The only problem is, nobody besides the signatories had agreed to this deal! The Church, however, took this agreement very seriously. In fact, it expected full implementation within two years. It was signed December 30th, 1993. By the end of 1995, besides the assassination of (Prime Minister) Yitzhak Rabin a month earlier, nothing had happened (any link there?).
In 1997, the agreement was further refined. Still, no movement, Israel doesn't budge; is not handing over the "Church Properties” - and believe me, the list is a few pages long! What the Church really wanted are these facts:
- No taxation of the Properties: after all, if you are the “Master”, how can you be expected to pay taxes to a “Vassal”, right?
- The return of the many properties, actually Jewish land and Jewish memorablilia, taken over by Israel since 1948. The Church claims that the 1948 UN decision contained such a clause. It could be, but so what??
- Legal representation in Israeli courts regarding such disputes. The Israeli Government, correctly so, always refused to give the lower court’s jurisdiction to decide whether to allocate the land to the Church or to other owners. It itself reserves that right. So in fact, the Church (Vatican) can’t even argue its case in court!”
After the Rome International Summit for Peace in the Middle Eastand the new international accord called informally the “Vatican Peace Accord”, suddenly the Vatican pressure eased. The Israeli government had never recognized the Oslo Agreement and neither did its prime ministers; Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, nor Ehud Barak. So as not to be outdone, the Vatican now moved outside of the Israeli leaders and began to pressure the United States. Clinton ignored them, but President George W. Bush did get involved with putting diplomatic pressure upon the Israeli Government to return the medieval properties once owned and built during and after the Roman Christian Crusades. What they failed to reveal is that these properties were obtained by force during and after the Roman Christian Crusades when Roman Europe virtually wiped out the entire Jewish population in the Land of Israel and especially in the city of Jerusalem. What the Roman Empire was not willing to do, the Roman Catholic Church almost succeeded in doing.
The topic of “Peace” that was discussed a year earlier in January 2005 at the “Congress of Rabbis and Imams”, the term “peace agreement” was used as a political vehicle to “soften the attitude of the masses of rabbis towards, “Land for Peace”, which meant in essence “territorial compromise by Israel”. This fact was now only beginning to be understood.
Also representing the Israeli government under Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel at the time were also representatives of the ministry of Israeli Finance and Foreign Affairs. Ariel Sharon was willing to compromise land for the Gaza Palestinians which created the infamous Orthodox Jewish Settler expulsion from Gush Katif in 2005, but Sharon would not budge in compromise to the Edomites in Vatican Rome for land that was once owned by Vatican Rome centuries ago in and around Jerusalem and Galilee.
Would it be incongruous to conceive that just prior to the 2005 Congress of Rabbis and Imams, the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, William Skylstad of Spokane, Washington wrote a “sharply worded letter” to the Ambassador of Israel, Daniel Ayalon. This was send with a duplicate and corresponding letter to American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that included these words, “…a just resolution is critical to interreligious relations in the wider region and in the world.” As Dr. Stern continued to reflect:
Dr. Daisy Stern – “I don't know about you, but to me, it sounds very much like a veiled threat of violence against Jews worldwide. We all know what bad inter-religious relations between Catholics and Jews mean; pogroms, inquisitions, etc, etc; you elaborate. And after all, the same thing happened in 1429, with full Church justification for it in 1990, remember?”
It was in the year 1967 that the Jewish people for the first time in 2000 years gained possession of the entire city of Jerusalem by annexed the Eastern Sector of Jerusalem. This included the Old City of David and the Temple Mount. In the year of 1993, the Jewish brothers in descent from Judah, were now being internationally isolated by the descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel now living as the Northern regions of Europe. Was it not the Norwegian “Northern Israelites” of Oslo that gave us the Oslo Accord of 1993? This was when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat signed the “Declaration of Principles” on September 13, 1993 in the presence of U.S. President Bill Clinton on the lawns of the White House in Washington.
Seven years later, by the year of 2000, the Palestinian peoples under Yasser Arafat, the father of Middle Eastern terrorism were now preparing the Second Palestinian Intifada, months before Ariel Sharon, candidate for the Prime Minister of Israel went up on the Temple Mount to pray and the Palestinian people revolted. Now the Palestinians were fomenting with “blood from his mouth and abominations between his teeth” (Zechariah 9:7) under the Palestinian rule of Yasser Arafat for East Jerusalem to become the capital of the Palestinian State which they hoped would be established in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
When Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assumed the mantle as Prime Minister of Israel, he quickly became identified as a “Jew by accident”, or a Jew who wanted to depart from his Jewish identity, his Jewish history, and his Jewish culture. It was Rabbi Novak who identified the fact that the Rabin government “discontinued the mandated study of Jewish history in Israeli schools.” Yet when the JINOs or Jews in Name Only identity with the European Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, a larger and more profound danger comes to the “sheep of Israel” that is the Orthodox Jews who identity with the mandates, goals and prophetic visions of the G-d of Israel through halakhic observance of the Torah.
To give a broader perspective of the role of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel on how they have plotted to destroy the State of Israel, now ruled by their tribal brothers, the Jews of the House of Judah, we have to relook again at the formation of the Oslo Accord in 1993. We today know in hindsight that the Oslo Accord was an outgrowth of the Madrid Conference of 1991 that was conducted secretly in Oslo, Norway and in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Out of the Fafo institute in Oslo, Norway’s first research project was initiated in the Palestinian territories under the leadership of the Fafo Institute’s brain-child Terje Rød Larsen. It evolved into the international peace research and politics, particularly in the Middle East, from the late 1980s to the 1993 that gave us the Oslo Peace Accord.
Here was the institute hosted by the Lost Ten Tribal descendants of Israel who were now plotting to slice and dice up the Land of Israel in the name of “Peace”. This was the same concept of “Land for Peace” that was eloquently spoken on Israeli radio by Tamar Yohan called, “The Isaiah Plan: The Only Formula for Peace”.
Yet, would it surprise us when learn that the Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research and the Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies had offices not only in Oslo, Norway but also in Jerusalem and Beijing? Right under the noses of the Israeli Jewish Prime Ministers, the descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of Northern Israel were hosting “peace conferences” seeking to destroy the State of Israel and were collaborating with each other between Christian Norway and the Atheist rulers of China.
This fact was noted in the Israeli national assembly Knesset uprising when then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon revealed that Shimon Peres allegedly had secret meetings with the Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie, along with Saab Erekat the Palestinian negotiation minister, Terje Rød Larsen the UN’s special envoy for the Palestinians along with Shimon Peres and two of Peres’ advisors. They met clandestinely in the northern Tel Aviv suburb home of Terje Rød Larsen’s Norwegian wife, Mona Juul in 2004, who was finishing her diplomatic career between the years of 2001-2004 as the Norwegian Ambassador to Israel. Sharon had every right to be suspicious, yet he was accused by the oppositional leaders of bugging the home Larsen and Juul’s home; not that Peres, Larsen and Juul were seeking tyranny against the State of Israel.
Then we learned from Barry Chamish that Terje Rød Larsen, the founder and first director of the Fafo Institute, was also the person to whom today’s Israeli President Shimon Peres entrusted with $100,000 to bribe and to secure for him the honor of winning the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize together with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat. This prize, nominated by the Norwegian Noble Peace Prize Committee was given for Shimon Peres for his participation in producing the Oslo Accords as the Israeli Foreign Minister that later .
Barry Chamish – “Those who know Peres acknowledge his, honestly, psychopathic need for medals and awards, to the point of bribing the Nobel committee for a prize. Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Peres gave Terje Larsen, the UN Middle East representative, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize.
This week, David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen's pressure on the committee in full detail.”
As noted in the ancient prophecy of Rabbi Judah ben Samuel, in the last ten Jubilees before the beginning to the future Messianic Era the Ottoman Empire would rule the Land of Israel for eight Jubilees (1517-1917). During the ninth Jubilee, the Land of Israel would become a “no-man’s land” for one Jubilee (1917-1967). Then at the end of the ninth Jubilee (1967), the Jewish people would gain possession of the city of Jerusalem during the 6-day war of 1967. They would then retain control of the City of Jerusalem for one Jubilee (1967-2017) and then the era of the Maschiah ben David will begin.
Truly this prophecy runs in opposition to the visionary dreamers of the world, the global internationalists and trans-nationalists dreaming for world domination that included both, the New President of Israel, Shimon Peres and his former Labor ally, Tzipi Livni. It was they who wished then and today, to share the laurels of world dominion for themselves as they proposed an international Jerusalem.
Whom they are allying themselves with are the powers of darkness who are seeking to wrestle away the city of Jerusalem from the G-d of Israel and the forces of the divine light. They were seeking then and today to destroy forever Jerusalem’s true biblical mandate to become HaShem’s world capital on Planet Earth that was destined to become the “solar rex” capital of the future era of Greater Israel under the rule of the Maschiah ben David (Messiah son of David).
The parallel to the “Stick and the Carrot” was being applied, in the form of the 2005 earlier conference of mutual affirmation in 2005 when in Brussels the “Sweet and Loving Rabbis and Imams seeking PEACE" were instructed to give approval for a Palestinian State and give away the divine biblical “title and deed of trust” of the Jewish homeland in the internationally “contested land of Judea”. Yet, even more contested were the “mountains of Ephraim” in the “biblical heartland of the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, where the European globalists were seeking to give away also the divine “title and deed of trust” that the G-d of Israel claimed would become the tribal inheritance of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel when the day of the Messiah arrives. Yes, both of these two regions where the G-d of Israel gave as His covenanted oath entrusted to his chosen ones, are now coveted by the internationalists to give as a “gift” to the Palestinian people for a Palestinian State.
Is it important to know that Brussels, where all of these conspiratorial plots to destroy Israel emanate from is recognized as the “Catholic capital of Europe” and is still under the jurisdiction and patronage of the Edomite King of Belgium? It is also important to know that Brussels, Belgium is also one of the host countries of ancient Gaul, where it became one of the final national homelands of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel who settled here upwards to 2,300 years ago and remain there today?
The arch-enemy HaSatan, knows full well that the “appointed time” for the guela, the redemption of All Israel is about to unfold. He is marshalling the entire angelic host of darkness to try to prevent this divine process from happening. There will come a time, in the near future, when the G-d of Israel finally proclaims, “It is done!” At that time, the power of the Divine will sweep all around the universe and begin the transformation of all the “Chosen Ones” of Israel and the end will be.
Now with the 2006 Israeli War with Hizballah in Lebanon behind them, the image of invincible power of the Jewish military power over the Islamic hordes was now broken and diminished. The Orthodox Jewish “sheep” have now been demoralized. They were beginning to feel defenseless as their “evil shepherds” were “sleeping with the enemy” and now the Islamic hordes were clamoring and threatening them on every side.
A new stage of peace, and negotiations were about to become unleashed again. This time the Jewish shepherd would become the new Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. The question that continued to haunt them was, will there ever be a “Good Shepherd” that will seek to protect HaShem’s sheep living in Israel? The hope and promise again came from the sages of Judah.
According to HaShem’s true emissaries of divine justice, the “land of your dwellings” that was to become in the future the homeland for the return of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, will soon be realized when the overwhelming divine power of the G-d of Israel redeems them. How then will they be redeemed and restored back into brotherhood with their brothers of the House of Judah? It appears that it will come by imploding the economies of the Western globalists in American, Europe and their far-flung 19thcentury colonies. The lands that once hosted the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel will become inhabitable to them. The realization will someday come; it’s time to go home!
The great sages of Judah say that this future redemption at this late stage will probably come by “bi’etah”; that is redemption in its time with great calamities, catastrophes and world destruction. The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel who had refused to return willingly in past eras will now have to be reunited back into brotherhood with their tribal “brothers” or “cousins” of Judah during days of apocalyse. This will come under circumstances that will truly be revealed as “Acts of G-d”, when with the power Spirit of the Divine will come upon both the sheep of Judah and the sheep of Israel and they will return in teshuva (repentance) back to their G-d.
Yet, if the covenanted Jews in Israel were to call upon the “Name of the L-rd” and return in “teshuva” to the G-d of Israel, the entire catastrophic clouds of judgment and disaster could immediately stop from enveloping the entire world. The Satanic powers of darkness will be halted by the “strong hand of the Divine” in what the Jewish sages call “achishena” for the guela (redemption) will immediately come with great haste to fulfill Divine Justice.
So what will it be? The final hours of this era are now upon us. Will the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel repent and be willing to return to the brotherhood and fellowship of the Jewish people; for it is they who have remained in covenant with the G-d of Israel, by keeping the halakhic commands given to Moses on the mount called Sinai; 3,600 years ago. Is not, then the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and the Jewish people still living in the Diaspora of our modern Babylons only be able to return in aliyah to the “land of their forefathers” during the days of Divine Judgment, calamities, and great conflagrations?
That time has now come, and we are watching daily the unfolding “Drama of the Ages” that will bring the redemption of All Israel (Klal Yisrael). Are you prepared to become a part of that supernal Event of all Times when the mountains of Israel in Shomron and Judea are restored for habitation? Are you willing to return and live in the land of Greater Israel that will be recreated into a new Garden of Eden (Gan Eden)? Think about it!
You may Want to Read the Entire Series: Israeli President Shimon Peres, the Vatican’s Agent to Israel
You might Want to Read the BibleSearchers 2005 Series; “The Vatican seeks to Reclaim its Own”
The facts exist; the G-d of Israel is the ruler of all the Earth. Evil powers under the rule of HaSatan are trying to usurp that rule so that all of Planet Earth will come under the rule of rebellious angelic forces. Hashem’s capital of this solar system is Jerusalem, a place that G-d calls His own in unequivocal terms. The final Drama of the Ages will be over Jerusalem, yet when all hope appears to be lost, the forces of Light will eradicate the forces of darkness. The era of the Messiah will now reign in an era of Torah enlightenment.
If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Kol Ha Tor is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.